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Skin care tips for people in their 30’s to maintain the youthful glow


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skin care tips for people in their 30's to maintain the youthful glow © Provided by Times Now skin care tips for people in their 30’s to maintain the youthful glow

Ageing in inevitable, no one can escape it and with ageing comes profound changes in ones’ physical appearance. These changes are first noticed on one’s face as that is the most visible body part.

The thing is if we don’t care of our overall health it is reflected on our face and in today’s high stress life people tend to age faster than they should. But while we cannot escape the stressful life and the accompanying pollution, we can certainly take care of ourselves, especially our skin to maintain that youthful glow especially for those on the wrong side of 30s.

30 is often the age when you start to see changes in your skin, body and looks. And in some cases this change is not for the better, unless you start being extra cautious. Exposure to chemical-based products and pollution leads to further deterioration of the skin. Your skin may lose its natural sheen, and that could add to extra stress, and we all very well know what stress can do to our skin.

The first wrinkles begin to emerge, turning faint lines around the eyes into full blown crow’s feet (also known as laugh lines or character lines). In some cases, acne decide to make a comeback after teen years, or it may also appear for the very first time. This phenomenon is called ‘adult acne’ and is usually hormonal in women. Damage from earlier sunburns begin to appear as blotchy pigmentation and you suddenly seem to have dull and saggy skin. A plush ponytail of just the earlier decade thins down and your mirror throws back a picture with a few but prominent aging features which can be very discouraging.

Hormones are one of the biggest contributors to these problems, especially in women. The majority of hormonal changes start around the age of 30. When female reproductive hormones levels begin to taper off and lead to thinning hair and undesirable skin conditions. The level of human growth hormones begins to drop which leads to increased breaking of collagen production, giving way to dull and droopy skin. At 18, growth hormone levels are around 900 but by the time we reach 30, they drop to 200.

Men on the other hand don’t go through to skin problems like women but fall victim to male pattern ness due to changes in testosterone and DHT. Everyone is going to see some kind of changes in their 30s due to hormonal imbalance, but those who indulge in tanning, drinking, smoking, or don’t exercise regularly and eat poorly or improperly etc, the problems are going to be much severe. Your diet will go a long way in making your skin look fabulous as will your lifestyle, so do not underestimate the power of seasonal fruits, nuts and seeds and a healthy-disciplined lifestyle.

If you want to look gorgeous through your 30s and after beyond, follow these simple steps:

1. Cleaning your face regularly – Cleanse your skin each morning and make sure to remove all makeup and cleanse again before bedtime. This allows the skin to perform its essential protective and renewal functions well. Make sur to use products suggested by your dermatologist as having too many choices can be confusing and might not suit your skin.

2. Exfoliate – Exfoliate at night rather than in the day. Overnight skin undergoes in renewal mode and removing dead skin prior to bedtime enhances the skin’s function. Exfoliate gently, just to remove dead skin and if your skin is oily or you’ve got acne then exfoliating twice a week should be sufficient.

3. Protect your skin– Protect your skin during the day by combining an antioxidant serum or Vitamin C serum with sun screen as they enhance each other. Make sure you apply the sunscreen first.

4. Stay hydrated – Ensure that the skin is not dehydrated. Don’t spend more than 5 minutes in the shower and use lukewarm water. Use a moisturizing body wash as acts as a protective moisture barrier for the skin.

5. Wear Sunscreen – Wear a sunscreen with broad spectrum UVA/UVB sun protection every day irrespective of the weather, because UVA rays are “slow agers” which remain constant throughout the year.

6. Apply Moisturize – Rub in rich intense moisturizing body lotion or apricot oil daily after bathing on slightly damp body for a healthy, hydrated skin.

7. Drink plenty of water – Drinking water in adequate amount ensures that you stay hydrated internally. One could also add lemon or lime juice for an extra boost. Eat a healthy and high-fiber diet and workout for at least 15-20 minutes every day.

8. Cut down on stress – Of course that’s easier said than done but finding time to do the things one loves on a daily basis will give you the inner satisfaction which can work wonders for the skin.

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