Antibiotic Resistance in Acne Treatment

Antibiotic Resistance in Acne Treatment

Views: 0Antibiotic Treatment for Acne Is Worsening the Worldwide Problem of Antibiotic Resistance The Essential Info Acne is in part a bacterial disease, and antibiotics can help to keep bacteria in check in the short term and to a limited degree in some people. They...
Do Hormones Cause Cystic Acne?

Do Hormones Cause Cystic Acne?

Views: 0Yes, Hormones Play an Important Role in the Development of Cystic Acne in Both Males and Females, and Often the Treatment of Cystic Acne in Females The Essential Info Androgens (male hormones present in both males and females) increase the production of skin...
Why I Created Flawless Brightly Eye Serum

Why I Created Flawless Brightly Eye Serum

Views: 0“You look tired.” This innocent statement crushes the spirit. At least, that’s what you told us when we asked you why a daytime eye cream was top of your wish list from Dr Sam’s. Over 89% of you* think that your eyes are the reason you look tired.  So, I set...
The Tenuous Relationship Between Dairy and Acne

The Tenuous Relationship Between Dairy and Acne

Views: 0Most Evidence, Albeit Imperfect, Points Toward a Possible Association Between Milk and Acne, but Not Cheese, and Probably Not Yogurt The Essential Info Researchers have put forward hypotheses that attempt to link the hormones, carbohydrates, and proteins in...
Banish Blackheads: The Ultimate Guide

Banish Blackheads: The Ultimate Guide

Views: 0Ever looked in the mirror and felt frustrated by those stubborn dark spots scattered across your nose and chin? Blackheads can be a real confidence crusher, making your skin feel rough and uneven. But here’s the good news: you’re not alone in this...