How Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) Help with Acne

How Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) Help with Acne

Views: 0Alpha Hydroxy Acids Are Acids That Exfoliate the Skin, Decrease Sebum (Skin Oil), Reduce Bacteria, Decrease Hyperpigmentation, and Promote the Penetration of Other Acne Medications The Essential Info Alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) are topically applied acids that...
Can Honey Masks Help Clear Acne?

Can Honey Masks Help Clear Acne?

Views: 0Research Is Limited. It Might Help a Bit, But Don’t Expect Very Much. The Essential Info Honey has natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and wound-healing properties. Honey is also a safe, natural substance that comes with few side effects. While...
Adult Acne – Everything You Need to Know

Adult Acne – Everything You Need to Know

Views: 0Adult Acne Affects Men and Women, but Especially Women, and Can Present Differently than Adolescent Acne The Essential Info Adult acne is usually defined as acne that affects people over the age of 25. In about 1/2 of cases, acne ends after adolescence (around...
How Exercise Might Help with Acne

How Exercise Might Help with Acne

Views: 0Regular, Moderate Exercise May Be Beneficial The Essential Info While there are still no studies that look directly at the impact of exercise on acne, indirect evidence points toward a possibility that regular, moderate exercise may improve acne to some degree...
Can an Egg White Mask Help Your Acne?

Can an Egg White Mask Help Your Acne?

Views: 0Egg Whites Have Not Been Studied as an Acne Treatment, but They Do Demonstrate Medicinal Properties That Might Affect Acne The Essential Info Acne is in part a bacterial disease and acne lesions are essentially small wounds to the skin. Egg whites are...