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If I had the chance togo back in time, I wouldstart bygiving the old me a big,warm hug, andthen share with myself these things I’ve learned along the way.

1. Have patience

I know it’s hard to trust the process, but I can’t stress thispointenough. Have patience with your skin care products: give them time to work. Have patience with your skin: it takes time to heal the damage. And most importantly, have patience with yourself: you can’t know everything, and it’s okay to make mistakes.

2. Less is more

 I know it feels like adding product on top of product will get rid of your acne faster, but it won’t. It will negativelyaffect how the products work and willjust make your skinevenworse. You’ll even create new skin problems (dermatitis) by doing this.

3. Natural doesn’t always mean better

Just because something is “natural” doesn’t mean it won’t really harm your skin. I know you’re on a quest to do right by your body, but that doesn’t mean synthetic products should be off the table and ‘natural’ things like baking soda can make skin worse because the pH level is way too basic. 

4. Don’t make your skin an obsession

 I know it’s hard. Trust me, I know. But striving for the illusion of perfection is only going to burn you in the end, so don’t waste your valuable time and effort trying. And please don’t make your partner pay for your obsession, and don’t drain yourownbank account, either.

I know it feels like you really need totry every new“miracle”product(because, what if?), but don’t let this cause financial strain which can add more unneeded stress to you. 

5. Don’t put your life on hold until you get clear skin.

You’ll be waiting a long time, and you’ll let a lot of opportunities pass you by needlessly.Please,justget out and enjoy life. Stop thinking about whatshouldbe,and learn to appreciatewhat is. I promise you,your acne will only hold you back if you let it, and you’ll be missing out on so much fun if you do. If you feel it’s too hard, make it easier by taking small steps and set small doable goals. 

6. If you want to, GO MAKEUP FREE.

Don’t worry about offending other people with your acne, that’s their problem.It will feel good, and nobody is going to buckle in disgust at your sight, I swear. But if that’s not what you’re feeling that day and you want to wear some makeup, that’s okay, too. Whatever you choose, feel empowered by your decision.

7. There’s no miracle acne cure, so stop looking for one.

No detox or cleanse in the world is going to magically bring you clear skin, so save your time and effort, and just focus on taking real good care of yourself mind, body and soul (the rest will follow).

8. Stop comparing yourself

 I know it can be addicting, but it’s just a major trigger for a plummet in self-esteem. You need to recognize that you, and your skin, are different from each and everyone else, and that these hurtful comparisons are only steering you further away from your goals.  If you need to put on hold on social media, do it!

9. You are still a worthwhile human being

Repeat: YOU ARE STILL A WORTHWHILE HUMAN BEING.Your worth is not for one second tied up in your skin,andit is not tied up in what others think of you, either.

Hating yourself won’t give you clearer skin any faster than loving yourself will, and it will be a more enjoyable journey.

10. Don’t Take Mean Comments To Heart

Even though it stings when it happens, they will be few and far between.And don’tyou dareoverlook your amazing qualities by focusing on something insignificant to your worth like acne.


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